Tag Archives: password

[HowTo] email – Changing email password via WebMail

If you know your current email password, you can change it via WebMail and here is how…

Visit http://webmail.klsupply.com and login with your full email address including the domain name, e.g., john,doe@klsupply.com and the current password

If you do not have your current password, ask peter.yoo@klsupply.com for help

Click on “Edit Your Settings/Passwords&Security”, which is circled in red in the image

You can type in your new password and click on Save button

[HowTo] email – changing email locale via WebMail

The default locale for the email is, of course, English but you can change it to any other supported language vie WebMail and here is how.

  • At the bottom, click on the horizontal-3-dots that is pointed out with the red arrow in the image above
  • Now you will get the following section list:
  • For example, if you choose Korean, you will be greeted with the following WebMail page