Tag Archives: theCloudAtWork

[HowTo] theCloudAtWork – How to Connect to RemoteApp and Desktop Connections

theCloudAtWork is the new Hosting Company for Sage100 and they use RemoteApp and Desktop Connections for the access to the hosted applications including Sage100

You will be needing theCloudAtWork username and password in order to complete these steps – if you have not received these info, please contact Peter(peter.yoo@klsupply.com) for help.

Here is the step by step instructions

  1. Click on the Windows Start Button -> Settings:

  2. When Control Panel Windows pops up, type in “remoteapp” in the Search Window then Select “RemoteApp and Desktop Connections”:

  3. RemoteApp and Desktop Connections windows will pop-up, on the left column, select “Access RemoteApp and desktop”:

  4. When “Access RemoteApp and desktop” windows pops up, type in “https://KNL.mycloudatwork.com” in the connection URL: field then click “Next” button at the bottom:

  5. A confirmation windows woo show, click on the “Next” button at th bottom:

  6. You will be prompt for your credential – username & password:

  7. Here, you will enter the username and password that were provided to you. Please note that your username has “KNL\”, e.g. “KNL\jdoe”. Make sure to click on “Remember me” box as shown below and click on “OK” button:

  8. It will take a few minutes, please allow it to verify your credential and establish the connections for you:

  9. Once all is done, you will get some similar to the following window. Please click on the “View resources” link below – You may see “Hosted0002103” which is goToMyERP session. Do not select this instead, make sure to click on the “View resources” under “Work Resources” :

  10. You will be presented with Applications that you have access to including “Sage 100 2022”:

    Here you can double-click on “Sage 100 2022” to access Sage.

    You want to follow the rest of the steps to create a shortcut link to RADC(RemoteApp and Desktop Connections) so you can access these application easily next time.
  11. Scroll down on the left panel to see the highlighted “Work Resources (RADC)” then right-click on it then select “Send to” then select “Desktop (create shortcut) as shown below:

  12. Now, if you look at your Desktop, we will see the below icon:

  13. In order to make it sense, let’s rename this to “theWorkAtCloud”. Right-click on this icon and select “Rename” like below:

  14. This will highlight the name of the icon and let you rename it:

  15. Start typing “theCloudAtWork”:

  16. Once you are done, hit “Enter” key:

Now you have “theCloudAtWork” RemoteApp and Desktop Connection created with your credential and also created a shortcut on your Desktop to access all the applications on the hosting server, including “Sage 100”.

Double-click on the “Sage 100” icon and start using it!